Tattoo Rant

Okay readers I am sorry for this rant today but this is really starting to bug me. Also I  was wondering if anyone else in the tattoo community has had this problem. First of all I have a tattoo of a Lion’s head on my left shoulder blade. It is just the head of a Lion and for some unknown reason people always call it a Tiger. I’m like does a Tiger have a mane? No!! It is a Lion people. And then today I was at the grocery store and this guy came up to me and said, “Hey, I like your wolf tattoo.” I’m thinking to myself Wolf? How in the world can you get a wolf from a Lion. But I was nice and polite and smiled and said thank you and went on my way.

So my question is for everyone out there does this happen to you? Do you have a tattoo that people for some unknown reason cannot identify it properly? But this also got me thinking is my tattoo not as good as I think it is for people to keep thinking it is a Tiger and now a Wolf? This also leads me to a good tattoo tip. If you do not want to have the some problem I am having with my Lion tattoo getting mistaken for other animals. Make darn sure that your tattoo is clear and that their is no denying that what you are getting tattooed on you is what it really is.

Please note this Lion above is very similar to my tattoo except my tattoo is done in all black.

Your Tattoo Friend


About the Author:

Ashley enjoys writing on her Tattoo themed blog at please stop by and drop a comment.

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Article Source: - Tattoo Rant

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